Northern Perma Switch Cover

A base switchgrass blend built with the best variety for northern areas

Wide variety

Preferred soil


Preferred pH


Stand length (yrs)

Agronomic information

  • Planting window: Spring
  • Seeding rate (lbs/A): 4lb bag plants 1/2 acre, 20lb bag plants 2.5 acres
  • Recommended fertilizer: 75lbs/A 46-0-0 when switchgrass shows light green in late June/early July
  • Recommended mowing: Late May, June, and July approximately 4 weeks apart

A base switchgrass blend built with the best variety for northern areas, along with complementary stiffening varieties to create a permanent cover and screening solution for several small and big game species.

Designed for the needs of whitetails within the majority of planting zones 4, 5 and 6 (all of Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois).

  • Seed varieties: A proprietary blend of a high % of the most appropriate base variety of switchgrass for your planting zone, combined with shorter, stiffening varieties to assist in strengthening your planting on a long term basis
  • Sunlight needed: Full sun
  • Purpose: A region-specific premium switchgrass blend with high germination rates, designed to last for decades if taken care of, while providing screening, escape and nesting cover for deer, rabbits, pheasants, quail, turkeys and other critters.
  • Height: 5-8 feet