Green Max Traffic

Our Green Max Traffic blend is a low forage value perennial workhorse designed more for human traffic than deer forage

Wide variety

Preferred soil


Preferred pH


Stand length (yrs)

Agronomic information

  • Planting window: Spring or Fall
  • Seeding rate (lbs/A): 15lb bag plants 1/2 acre or a path 10ft wide by 2500ft (a 1/2 mile)
  • Recommended fertilizer: 150lbs/A 19-19-19 at planting

Our Green Max Traffic blend is a low forage value perennial workhorse designed more for human traffic than deer forage. With varieties like bird’s-foot trefoil, various clovers rye grass and vetch, this mix is designed to quickly produce a lush ground cover for people roads and trails along with the perfect planting to surround your favorite waterhole.

  • Seed varieties: Various Clovers, Vetch, Trefoil, Ryegrass
  • Sunlight needed: Partially shade tolerant, but will do best with full sun
  • Purpose: High human traffic ground cover
  • Planting: Can be planted up to 4 weeks before last frost date al lthe way thru 4 to 6 weeks prior to first frost. Green Max Traffic should be planted with 50lbs/A of a nurse crop like Field Oats or Winter Rye. The cereal grains aid in sun and heat protection and combat erosion concerns. Cereal grains should be mowed and killed 6 to 8 weeks after seeding, or the following Spring in Fall planted.