Big Woods Brassica

This work horse brassica blend is built for the maximum volume needs of ag-less regions to satisfy the less finicky hunger pains of big woods deer herds


Stand length (yrs)

Agronomic information

  • Planting window: Fall
  • Seeding rate (lbs/A): 4.5lb bag plants a 1/2 Acre, 27lb bag plants 3 Acres
  • Recommended fertilizer: 150lbs/A 19-19-19 at planting, 75lbs/A 46-0-0 after 4 weeks on dry soil with rain in immediate forecast

While this blend includes varieties such as Kale that produce huge amounts of volume, this should not be used in areas with abundant competitive food sources such as farmland settings. In those settings refer to our Big Boost Brassica which features a higher level of overall attraction.

  • Sunlight needed: Full sun
  • Purpose: High volume fall and winter attraction