Tetraploid (Perennial) Ryegrass


Dry matter (lbs/A)


Preferred pH


Total nitrogen (lbs/A)

Planting information

  • Planting window: February–Mary/August–October
  • Planting depth (in): 1/8–1/4
  • Seeding rate (lbs/A): 30–40
  • Mix seeding rate (lbs/A): 10–20
  • Length of stand (yrs): 3–5
  • Days to germination: 7–10
Joseph M. DiTomaso, University of California - Davis, Bugwood.org

Joseph M. DiTomaso, University of California - Davis, Bugwood.org


Heat Tolerance
Drought Tolerance
Shade Tolerance
Flood Tolerance
Low Fertility Tolerance


Soil Builder
Erosion Fighter
Weed Fighter
Good Grazing
Quick Growth
Lasting Residue
Attract Beneficials
Bears Traffic

Perennial ryegrass is a high-quality, high sugar content, cool-season grass. It is not as persistent as other forage grasses such as orchardgrass. It is not as winterhardy as smooth bromegrass. It performs very well under intensive grazing conditions and should be on a 21 to 25 day rotation. In general, perennial ryegrass needs to be grazed, chopped, or wet wrapped. It is a slow drying hay crop due to its high moisture content and thick, waxy cuticle.