

Dry matter (lbs/A)


Preferred pH


Total nitrogen (lbs/A)

Planting information

  • Planting window: April–May/August–September
  • Planting depth (in): 1/8–1/4
  • Seeding rate (lbs/A): 10–12
  • Mix seeding rate (lbs/A): 4–5
  • Length of stand (yrs): 3–5
  • Days to germination: 18–22
Ohio State Weed Lab , The Ohio State University, Bugwood.org

Ohio State Weed Lab , The Ohio State University, Bugwood.org


Heat Tolerance
Drought Tolerance
Shade Tolerance
Flood Tolerance
Low Fertility Tolerance


Soil Builder
Erosion Fighter
Weed Fighter
Good Grazing
Quick Growth
Lasting Residue
Attract Beneficials
Bears Traffic

Orchardgrass is a bunch grass that exhibits reproductive growth of 2-4’ in height and vegetative growth from 6-18”. It is well adapted to most Midwestern farms because of its high yield, drought tolerance, shade tolerance, and winterhardiness. It matches well with most forage legumes, such as alfalfa, red clover, and birdsfoot trefoil. Orchardgrass can produce high-quality, high yielding feed if harvested in a timely fashion (ideally late boot stage to early bloom). If it is harvested in seed production, the forage quality drops rapidly.


  • Grazing type orchardgrass with lowest crowns
  • Medium maturity
  • Germplasm selected under grazing
  • High yielding