Japanese Millet


Dry matter (lbs/A)


Preferred pH


Total nitrogen (lbs/A)

Planting information

  • Planting window: May–June
  • Planting depth (in): 1/2
  • Seeding rate (lbs/A): 20–25
  • Length of stand (yrs): Annual
  • Days to germination: 10
Joseph M. DiTomaso, University of California - Davis, Bugwood.org

Joseph M. DiTomaso, University of California - Davis, Bugwood.org


Heat Tolerance
Drought Tolerance
Shade Tolerance
Flood Tolerance
Low Fertility Tolerance


Soil Builder
Erosion Fighter
Weed Fighter
Good Grazing
Quick Growth
Lasting Residue
Attract Beneficials
Bears Traffic
  • Most rapid-growth millet; 45 days to seed production
  • Likes wetter, muddy areas
  • Great for waterfowl and other wildlife
  • Not recommended for hay or silage because of its coarse, unpalatable characteristics